Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011... A New Year...New Opportunity

Its funny... we are 32 days into 2011 - and I have yet to make a resolution. But I wonder why we choose January 1st to make resolutions- I think any day is a great day to make a resolution or change... but I guess it makes you think about where you're going in life - and take stock of the last year.  Lately I've been on a reflection kick- maybe its the new job, maybe its that I'm approaching 2 years in a new city - and loving every second... or maybe its simply a new year....
2011 has thus far brought about amazing change and opportunity. I was blessed to apply, interview and accept a job offer in 5 days- in the first full week of the New Year. Changes like this - when they happen so fast- leave you little time for reflection or even a second guess.
But now- its February 1st and I am sitting in Indianapolis in a hotel- THE ICE storm rolled in last night- and our offices are closed...so here I sit. Reflecting. Thinking. Pondering.
I left my job at Machinery Link a little over a week ago- and started with my new company - Touton last Monday. I left my dog with my parents on January 20th - talk about the HARDEST thing I have ever had to do- I'm a baby!!! I left KC on the 23rd for Indy - and will be here on and off until mid-march. That sounds like a lot of changes!
Let me break it down. The previous blog entry describes the job hunt. So that's covered. And let me explain- Indy... currently our US offices are located in Indy - but we are working on moving them to KC - our hope is to be up and running by the first of March- but that all depends on contractors. So- in the interim- I'm chilling in an extended stay Marriott on the north side of Indy. It was a great start with the company- they flew me out, picked me up in an Escalade...set me up in a nice suite... things could be worse! And they will fly me back every other weekend to KC... this weekend may be out of the question now- due to weather... YUCK!
Things with the new job are great. I'm loving it. I of course am missing my apartment and fun life in KC... but am enjoying the time to dig into the new job...and really learn the operation. Its so far from what I have previously done- but I also love that aspect!
Now- what I DON'T love - is not having Lena with me. My good friend Lyndsey and I dropped her off with my mom and dad a few weeks ago- and I know she is having a blast...but gosh darnit- I miss that wiggle butt! Its crazy how much you can love an animal and rely on them for happy moments and simply- how your life revolves around them! Lena was one of the best things to ever come into my life... and I just keep telling myself that now I'm spreading the Lena love with mom and dad!

Dear 2011 -
Thank you for giving me hope and promise for the good things to come this year. You started out with a bang.. nothing like getting off on the right foot! I have promise and faith that along with hard work, and hope - this could be one of the best years yet. Thank you for the opportunity- and thank you for the amazing friends and family that leave me speechless on how wonderful they are. And thank you for my Little Lena...
Cheers to a New Year and New Promise...

1 comment:

  1. And did that "cheers" ring in with a sparkling glass of "red"?
    "Cheers" in hope that that new year, the year of 2011 continues to bring us all exciting news, changes, and successes!
    So proud of you ... much love, Momma
