Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Backyards, Bonfires and Good Friends... A Weekend in Lake Mills!

This past weekend I packed up and headed north…north to the hometown of Lake Mills.  We trekked north for a few reason…First-I love LM in the fall,  Lena needed to meet all the northerners and dad needed some cheering up. So into the Hyundai we went. A beautiful Friday and 5 hours of drive time…unfortunately, an hour out of KC we hit a road closure and to make the long story short- my patience was thin and mom helped route us around on some back roads in Missouri.  Once I got out of the 8 miles of stand still traffic- I rolled down the windows- cranked the XM Country Music station and was back to my happy place! Lena was so good the entire time. She just laid in the passenger seat and rested…at times she would sit up when I would slow down to check out the scenery. What a great travel companion! Despite the irritating time spent sitting on 35, we made it safely to our destination.

I think one of the greatest highlights of the weekend was letting Lena off her leash and run… letting her run with wreckless abandon! She loved playing fetch in the leave covered ground at mom and dad’s.. it made her super thirsty- so much so that dad broke out the water hose and gave Lena a refreshing drink!

Mom, Lena and I walked over to Aunt Barbie’s, while enroute we had a very brief hello with Aunt Debbie on her way out of town… Then Lena got treats from Aunt Barbie and was such a good girl. I got to see her beautiful cat Casey- he’s so gorgeous! And then on down to Steve and Wendy’s we went.  Lena was in utter heaven… they have the largest back yard in Lake Mills. Lena got to RUN AND RUN AND RUN! She played fetch, she dug holes- much to mine and Steve’s displeasure…but she got to be a dog! It was wonderful.
In the morning Dad would take Lena out for walks and play time in the yard. To say that she was my fathers shadow is an understatement.  We watched the Hawks play that afternoon and dad and Lena took a nap in the middle of the livng room floor!

 Despite the rainy start to the day- the sun came out and I threw on my Hawks sweatshirt and headed outside for a bonfire with my fave people. Mark and Joan, Pam and Al, JB and Sue and my parents all huddled around the largest bonfire in the history of our backyard. To say that Al and Dad had a pissing match with how much fire they could throw in the fire ring would be an understatement.  On a cool 55 degree night- I was sweating… thanks boys. Cold beers and good friends around a hot fire was just the medicine we all needed. I can’t describe how wonderful of an evening it was.

This one might be a fave- its most of the men of my life (somehow Al was cut out by the fire..hmmm)! Well- the ones that count! I fear for whatever man comes to Lake Mills to meet "the family"- or the MEN at least!

Men and Technology - i guess you had to be there!

Sweet Little Lena was keeping Pam's feet warm by the fire!!!

Now i have to comment on the drive home... i left pretty early because I'm old and like to get home and get laundry done, make dinner and relax.. .so Lena and I took off in the morning. She is SUCH a good travel compantion that she melted my heart layin there next to me on an old pillowcase i put on her pillow- one from my childhood with duckies! She is so darn cute!

Weekends in Lake Mills are few and are between. But they are always wonderful. A few things strike me as odd... Once upon a time I couldn’t wait to get out of Lake Mills – get somewhere bigger and better. Now I live in a “big city” and love how everything is at my fingertips… something is always happening and there is always some event to get to. Never is there a dull moment if I don’t want there to be.  But life in the slow lane of Lake Mills isn’t so bad for a weekend. It’s a nice respite. And it’s where I see that life in the slower lane is pretty great too. The comforts of home rejuvenated me for some city living! This week I have plans for a Twins v Royals game…just 15 min from my apt front door… now that’s a perk! J


  1. Weekends at home are few and TOO FAR between ... but I must say that the change of pace is amazing and fun. We get to come to "the city" and you get to come to "the farm" ... It was a great weekend. Love you!

  2. Awe, so sweet! I cant wait to get some big city livin in a little over a week!! Saturday at 2pm sharp...the drinking is on :)!

  3. Oh my ... 2 p.m. SHARP ... we best be syncronizing our watches :) Hate to be tardy :)
