Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I love Shoes

I love shoes. I love everything about shoes. I love how shoes can change your outfit, can change your mood, can change how you feel about yourself... I LOVE shoes!

So today is my 28th Birthday...and about 4 years ago I started a new tradition for MYSELF. I bought Birthday Shoes. Why? Because I love shoes! And I wanted a pair of Giraffe print Steve Maddens so bad I could taste it. But they were expensive- and impractical... but it WAS my birthday! To this day- they are my most favorite pair of shoes - they are now torn, tattered, weathered and beaten... but I still have them... they were the FIRST! So the following year I bought dark purple, alligator print Jessica Simpson Peep Toes. Last year I sported a pair of cobalt blue, suede Steve Madden Peep Toe Pumps. Its my thing.. Its something I truly look forward to. 

You see- Birthday Shoes are shoes that you wouldn't normally buy. They CANNOT be practical...Cannot be a pair you NEED. They have to speak to you- they have to be FUN...and make you feel like a million bucks! Its a hunt- but when you find them- you just know!

This year came around - and I have been so busy... I've actually had a pretty spectacular social life- and the Birthday Shoe shopping fell by the wayside. But yesterday at work- something kicked in...I felt it in my bones- I HAD to go find the pair... its tradition...its what I do... So, after work I went on the search - I found them. The perfect pair of Birthday Shoes! They were nestled in amongst other beautiful shoes- but there they were- in all their Snake Skin glory...and gold heel... a pair of glorious BCBG Pumps!
So here is to year 28! I look forward to the opportunities and excitement this year will provide! I am not a huge fan New Years Eve- its like an amateur holiday.... and so my New Years is my birthday -its like 2 holidays in one! Lets hope these shoes bring me good luck!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bad Dog

Last night I had a date - yes- a date. And before we talk about said date- we need to talk bout the aftermath!
Lena has been so good lately.. .so I thought- since I was going to be out for a few hours-  I would leave her out. Now- I have done this before and she has been an angel. But I have a feeling that she sensed my happiness and became fearful that I might be gone a few more nights... so - in her devious nature - I walked in to find my apartment looking like this:
Another look

Not sure if she went through my laundry- but that's my bedtime tank top... and a lot of stuffing...from her Tigger toy and she also managed to rip the head off a stuffed Halloween Black Cat my mother gave me... which is now in the garbage... sorry mom....

Here is the black cat: and the culprit...standing in her mess...

Lena is now relegated back to her kennel. You give them an inch and they take a mile....

and yes...there WILL be a second date- weather Lena likes it or not.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Beauty of Fall - via the Combine!

As a kid, growing up in northern Iowa - I can honestly say I didn't appreciate fall and all its beauty. Harvest didn't intrigue me. I really didn't care... I was merely concerned with the next volleyball game or where we played football that week! But now- as an older, wiser adult (funny!) - I have grown to appreciate all the beauty of the Harvest season. Well- and the fact that I work for a company that leases and hauls combines doesn't hurt!

That being said- a good friend of mine at work is on the road the entire harvest season and sends me pictures of random parts of the world. This years pix included south Texas, middle of boring Kansas and even a few where he sunk a Case Combine in Minnesota!
But today's entry comes to  you from my old part of the world...IOWA! My friend sent me pictures from the view of his combine as he helped one of our customers finish up his harvest... I found the pictures breathtaking and reminded me of the simplicity in life...

I love this one...

The sun starting to set on the fields... BEAUTY

And here it is...the glorious colors in the sky!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday Night Dinner

So- Thanks mom for the idea.... apparently people are oddly intrigued by my cooking! So mom mentioned I blog about some of the things I create. And if you know me - you know that I HATE recipes...I'm more of the throw it all together and make up something...recipes give me inspiration- can't remember a time I actually followed it.

Tonight's dinner is already cooking. Yep- I'm classy like that. Dinner is in the Crock-Pot. Its a glorious fall day and a bit chilly- thought I should warm up with something in the cooker!

Lets call tonight's dinner:
Tender Ring 'Round the Potato
(it gets its name from Tender Round Steak and Potatoes!)
2 Tender Round Steaks
2-3 potatoes quartered (I used Yukon gold - did not peel- give me a break- i did this at lunch!)
handful of baby carrots
1/2 white onion thinly sliced
Throw all of this in the Crock- top with chicken broth
Then season with Jack Stack All purpose seasoning, Tastefully Simple Garlic, Garlic, salt and pepper and minced onion. And i may have even poured in a little red wine- just for good measure!
I set the Crock-Pot on Low...being that i put it in at 11 a.m.- and will eat around 7.

I hope it turns out - I will post a picture tomorrow!
Yes...that is a lovely glass of red...yummo! It turned out quite delicious....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

oh Monday....

Ever had a case of the Monday's after a great weekend with family? Well I sure have. But do you know how you cure that case of the Monday's? Have a friend like Lyndsey... she will open up the Bloody Mary bar...
...feed you goat cheese and red peppers and watch Hank and Lena play! With some MNF in the background...

Now that my friend is a great October Monday!

Zobel Girl's Weekend in KC

Just like the title of my blog says… Life Happens!
Life Happens and sometimes you just forget to write about it! I know its been a few weeks – but those few weeks have been amazing. Full of fun and laughter and pure bliss! Its fall- what more do you expect from me?! It is the best time of year and I am living in each and every moment. The weather in KC has been nothing short of perfection. 10 days without rain, cool nights, beautiful, sunny days. Some days I just about fall over with gratitude watching Lena jump after the fallen leaves and feel the breeze blow by… yep. Its been a great few weeks with friends.

But of all those moments…the most blog worthy happening was this past weekend. Something happened that I can’t not talk about! It was Zobel Girls Weekend in KC. Now for some of my readers (all family!) you may or may not know that I haven’t spent much time with the Zobel family while growing up. But a few weeks ago at the Zobel family reunion- we all met up again- and decided it was time it happened…time that we all get together for some rowdiness- cause that’s what Zobel’s do!
It was a beautiful fall Saturday when the ladies rolled into town. Present at this particular gathering were: cousins Melissa, Michelle and Kristin, my mom and the best family friend, Joan - who has been invited back! The day began just as you would suspect...I took the ladies out to the Legends for some needed retail therapy. We hit up the stores pretty hard!
Around mid-day, Melissa and I were parched- so we snuck away to the Yard House for much needed cocktails!
An hour or so later along mom and Joan to quench their thirst.
And finally our shopping queens, Michelle and Kristin found us! Once we were all properly hydrated- it was time to make our way back downtown.
So to La Bodega we went. Sangria and apps. Mom scored us a pretty sweet table near the kitchen and we all nestled right in.
2 pitchers later we made our way to the hotel/apt to get changed for the night. Cocktails later commenced at 801 Steak and Chop down in Power and Light for amazing cocktails. Then it was time for some nourishment- so over to Gordon Biersch we went. YUMMO! 

Kristin and I enjoyed some tall beers – again- did I mention we were Zobels?!  

It was a wonderful day…one that I won’t forget anytime soon. The weather was perfect. The conversations were easy and fun and exactly what we needed.
Breakfast of course was held at none other than City Diner the next morning! For you Lake Mills readers…it’s the equivalent of The Grand…only better!!! J I can’t believe the weekend is already over. But the good news is- the planning is already in motion for the next girls weekend.

A little Kristin and I moment...
This girl- might be one of the coolest women I know! And its so fun saying that about family….but, not only about family…about family you have seen 5 times in your life! Kristin and I have an uncanny easiness about our friendship….we fall back into place. There is never a dull moment. And our senses of humor are oddly identical!  I can’t wait to plan my trip to Lincoln…. Hopefully in the next month! 
Oh- side note- I think both Kristin and I had rough, long Mondays- so at the end of the day we both said a beer/drink sounded great… a few short minutes later I received this picture with the tagline: Life is Good!
I responded with one of my own! - Tagline: CHEERS!

Life Happens folks… and sometimes when you least expect it. And sometimes- a girls weekend you EXPECT to be great – exceeds  your expectations. One thing was missing- Cousin Stacy couldn’t make it- and her bubbly, excited self was truly missed. But- good news- there WILL be another weekend soon!

For more pix and Kristin's take on the weekend...check out her blog

And Michelle and Melissa... if your out there....POST PIX!!!